CollabraTech Solutions specializes in the design, development, and optimization of industrial processes and capital equipment for high complexity markets. Our combined engineering and manufacturing know-how sets us apart from traditional stand-alone design or contract manufacturing firms. We guide you through the entire process, from concept development, through commercialization, and into end-of-life.
The case studies below will give you an idea for how we work with customers to go beyond the blueprint, taking ideas through the full product lifecycle from any entry point.
- Design and Integration Partnerships
- Direct-Replacement Controller
- Fab Equipment Solutions
- Liquid Delivery Systems
For more information: 602.437.8500 or email

Spec Sheets
- New Liquid Chemical Delivery System for Semi Manufacturing
- Collabratech Announces the Dominus® Gas Delivery System
- Direct Controller Replacement Solution to Extend Life of Legacy Gas Distribution Systems
- CollabraTech Earns ISO 9001 Certification
- CollabraTech ISO 9001 Certificate
- CollabraTech Terms and Conditions of Sale
- Supplier Terms and Conditions
- CollabraTech Brochure