CollabraTech understands the need for industrial efficiency. We thrive on finding the highest quality and most efficient way to solve your industrial manufacturing challenges. CollabraTech is your one-stop outsourcing solution to engineer, integrate and test your manufacturing systems. From factory equipment automation and enterprise rack systems to remote monitoring systems and power distribution, CollabraTech provides you the peace of mind and expertise to quickly get your manufacturing systems up to speed. Whether you need systems designed and implemented, or you pass the manufacturing responsibility to CollabraTech – we will assure you the highest quality end product.
We provide a broad range of services to customers in the transactional and informational kiosk industries, spanning across a multitude of industries and applications.
CollabraTech’s industrial manufacturing expertise includes:
- Design, fabrication, assembly and integration of industrial manufacturing equipment
- Complete product integration and test
- Concurrent product development and embedded engineering
- Engineering, design and frame fabrication
For more information: 602.437.8500 or email info@collabratech.com
Spec Sheets
- New Liquid Chemical Delivery System for Semi Manufacturing
- Collabratech Announces the Dominus® Gas Delivery System
- Direct Controller Replacement Solution to Extend Life of Legacy Gas Distribution Systems
- CollabraTech Earns ISO 9001 Certification
- CollabraTech ISO 9001 Certificate
- CollabraTech Terms and Conditions of Sale
- Supplier Terms and Conditions
- CollabraTech Brochure