CollabraTech’s unique approach to semiconductor system integration has raised the bar for the entire industry. Established by a group of individuals with extensive experience in the semiconductor manufacturing industry, the company is an industry leader in the design, engineering, manufacturing, installation and qualification of a variety of semiconductor tools, including particle-free gas and chemical delivery systems and automation.
CollabraTech provides integrated services for procurement, engineering, integration and testing for major semiconductor capital equipment. Our team is comprised of experienced engineers and technical experts in deposition, metrology, ion implant, lithography systems and more.
With state-of-the-art cleanroom manufacturing facilities, we are well equipped to handle manufacturing, logistics and supply-chain management, allowing for rapid design, assembly and distribution that is guaranteed to meet both your budgetary and quality expectations. Our dedicated, in-house training program ensures that our customers receive the highest quality product and top-notch service.
Our manufacturing and cleanroom capabilities include:
- 20,000 square foot corporate manufacturing facility
- 2,000 square foot certified Class 10 cleanroom
- Purified and filtered inert and specialty gases on-site
- Hot deionized and cooling water
- 110 / 208 / 240 / 480 VAC power
- The latest tube welding equipment and procedures
- Fully-trained and certified weld and assembly technicians
- Complete UHP product analysis
- Comprehensive ERP systems to effectively manage demand

For more information: 602.437.8500 or email info@collabratech.com

Spec Sheets
- New Liquid Chemical Delivery System for Semi Manufacturing
- Collabratech Announces the Dominus® Gas Delivery System
- Direct Controller Replacement Solution to Extend Life of Legacy Gas Distribution Systems
- CollabraTech Earns ISO 9001 Certification
- CollabraTech ISO 9001 Certificate
- CollabraTech Terms and Conditions of Sale
- Supplier Terms and Conditions
- CollabraTech Brochure